Giti Sazan Batab Co., a tenant company at Isfahan Science and Technology Town (ISTT) has developed an online website by the name of GitiHome offering engineering services and building materials 24 hours a day. This website greatly reduces the time, effort and space spent on the construction and equipping of buildings.
The website offers efficient engineering services and consultations, a diverse gallery of building materials, introductions to construction specialists and contractors, and up to date articles and notes on how to build a place of residence or work.
Also the user is able to analyze, compare and choose from a comprehensive selection of specialized materials and engineering services, contractors and implementing notes.
Giti Sazan Batab Co. is a resident Company at ISTT and its main field of activity is in Information Communication Technology (ICT) and construction engineering related subjects.
You can reach this company at and
visit count : 1028 Date: May 19, 2020
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